Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation (BLCF) is committed to working with partners and residents to deliver on the Luton 2040 and its five priorities and specifically:

  • improving wellbeing and tackling inequality by reviewing how we can make our funding and programmes more equitable and accessible to those experiencing inequality and in doing so building a culture of fairness into all our partnerships and greater transparency
  • support people to thrive through our programmes and community partnerships through greater opportunities to ensure routes out of poverty
  • become carbon neutral and protect our environments by looking at our own work and supporting the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) to address their own impact and develop projects that raise awareness amongst communities
  • promote fairness, community cohesion and local pride through all our work as we listen learn, adapt and change offering greater support for groups who have been marginalized or disadvantage to growth thrive and survive and in doing so give agency to their voices in shaping our work

Watch the Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation’s Luton 2040 pledge video.

Read about the pledge here: